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Making sense of ecotoxicity test results

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DEBtox information

Courses / GUTS course

GUTS course

Since the release of the first version of openGUTS, we have had the intention to provide a regular, commercial course on using GUTS in risk assessment of plant protection products. This course should apply the openGUTS standalone software, and the Matlab version as well, if there is a specific interest. So far, however, our intentions have been thwarted by various issues (a.o., job changes and the corona crisis), and, we must admit, interest in such a course has not been overwhelming. Therefore, at the moment, these ideas are on hold. We have been contemplating various formats, such as an open course on a teaching location (in the Netherlands), non-open courses on-site (e.g., at a regular authorities or companies premises), or an on-line interactive course.

Realistically, our possibilities to provide complete courses are currently limited. However, we do love to hear about your course wishes! Please contact Tjalling Jager (DEBtox Research) by email, and tell us what you would like to see in terms of GUTS courses. Given sufficient interest, we may pick this up again (or motivate others to pick it up), and keep you posted if there are more concrete plans.

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  • The TKTD summerschool deals with toxic effects on the energy budget using the DEBkiss simplification, and also deals with GUTS.
  • The on-line DIY short course on the openGUTS software. This is completely on-line and completely do-it-yourself, so perfect for self education in quarantine times. Not free, but very friendly priced, and backed by Leanpub's 60-day refund possibility.
  • The PrediTox winter school is running again from 27-31 January 2025 in Lyon, France (with a few spaces for virtual participation). Among the topics is also TKTD modelling with GUTS. More information.
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The DEBtox information site,, since July 2011